bad-min-ton n. A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high narrow net by
means of a light, long-handled racket. (American Heritage Dictionary)
bad-min-ton n. Something bored people do at picnics with relatives they see once a year. (Pauli)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Tree, tree, tree, tree, tree.....

So you don't have to count, I'll just tell you that the word "tree" is used 24 times in this video. As funny as this is, it reminds me quite painfully of the mother of a girl I dated long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away....

...right down to the fake red hair. The money quote to me has got to be when he/she yells into the attic, "Hey, if it says 'tree' on it, that means it's decorations; it needs to come down!"

I think I could pull off a drag performance if I used that accent and had the cheap shades. And if my wife let me, of course. But it's not like I'd be stupid enough to even ask her.

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