bad-min-ton n. A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high narrow net by
means of a light, long-handled racket. (American Heritage Dictionary)
bad-min-ton n. Something bored people do at picnics with relatives they see once a year. (Pauli)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Spoof of "Lazy Sunday" Makes Great B-Day Present

Not that I'm suggesting a gift to my wife for my 40th (which happens this year), but this is really funny to me, being a big Lazy Sunday fan. (Is it just me or is it IMPOSSIBLE to find a feed of that online now? And everytime someone posts it, NBC has a cow....anyway.....)

BTW, this is probably Rated PG-13.

Here's where I found this, at Davenetics". Really talented wife and friend you got there, Dave, thanks and Happy 40th!

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