bad-min-ton n. A sport played by volleying a shuttlecock back and forth over a high narrow net by
means of a light, long-handled racket. (American Heritage Dictionary)
bad-min-ton n. Something bored people do at picnics with relatives they see once a year. (Pauli)

Monday, January 22, 2007

"Hate to say" versus "Hope you know"

The question is which do you use if you're trying to be catty, sarcastic or just plain irritating? I can only provide examples....

1) I hate to say it, but Darth Vader is a bad guy. I don't care that he "went good" at the end -- fat lot of good that did for the people he sliced up with his light sword thing.

2) I hope you know that people don't work at Starbucks just to listen to cool music or because they like to make lattes or for their health or something. They, um, like to get a tip now and again, ok, hence that little jar on the counter, Mr. Tightfist.

3) I hate to say it, since it seems so obvious, but lighting things on fire is not a sign of maturity. Even if you can make money doing it.

4) I hope you know that your chances of having a relationship with a female is inversely proportional to the number of clicks, groans and scowls she produces at your attempts at humor.

5) I hate to say it, but "dung head" is not a term of endearment.

6) I hope you know this by now, but as fascinating as it may be to you as someone who is "into science and stuff", lake-effect snow is just as bothersome, slippery and dangerous as the standard sky-effect snow by the time it's on the ground where we have to deal with it, and...

7) ....on a related note, I hate to say this, but friendly-fire is only harmless in video games. So be careful where you point that thing.

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